Luke Ambler
Former professional rugby player, dad, storyteller, founder of ANDYSMANCLUB, entrepreneur, award-winning mental health campaigner, and motivational speaker
Luke believes that personal transformation comes from shifting focus by asking better questions. When his brother, Andy, tragically took his own life, Luke was searching for answers, but he was asking the wrong questions. It’s only when Luke decided to shift focus and ask better questions that he saw a transformation in his own life – and in the lives of thousands of people. Luke has debunked many common mental health myths and hasn’t been afraid to go places where others dare not to go. Luke has helped thousands of people across the world to be the best version of themselves through thriving strategies, changing people’s self-language and empowering them to change. Luke’s real-talk style has seen him deliver talks to PLC businesses, prisons, colleges, conferences and TEDTalks. Luke’s style is to be genuine and real. Positively challenging people in the right way to make change. Coping strategies are ok, but thriving strategies are better. Luke is passionate about helping people not only to cope but to thrive. Luke doesn’t tell people what they want to hear, he tells people what they need to hear. Change is difficult, but if you ask the right questions you’ll get to the right answers.